Friday 11 December 2009


One of the greatest discoveries of human potential is that as new realities are demonstrated, new capacities come into being. How many of you remember Roger Bannister?

He was an Oxford medical student who was the first person to run the mile in under four minutes. He broke the "four-minute barrier."

Until that time, it was believed that no human could break that barrier. No such reality was ever demonstrated.

Now the most fascinating part of the story is that within 46 days of Bannister's breakthrough, John Landing broke the four-minute mile. And now, at this time, literally thousands of runners have broken the four-minute barrier. So we see that as new realities are demonstrated, new capacities come into being.

The challenge for us as swimmers and coaches is to open ourselves to the "new realities" that have been demonstrated through recent advances in how our ideas, beliefs and feelings - can dramatically improve our performance in the pool.

The fundamental principle at play is that "ideas have consequences" Ideas, especially about what is possible, can radically improve our performance or diminish it.

By altering the thoughts we think, addressing our unresolved feelings and choosing empowering beliefs, we can begin to develop "new capacities" for faster swimming or swimming at higher velocities.

So, what is your four minute mile? Are you living the life of an acorn or the mighty oak that lies within you? What seeds of greatness lie untapped within you?

If you were to follow your deep inner yearning towards your own swimming development, where would it lead you? How would your swimming performances be different than they are now? What will it take to start moving towards your own swimming potential?

Why not begin now?

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